Thursday, 3 May 2012

White Hind, in hindsight

The second of the lovely Quantock Brewery beers I had the extreme good fortune to quaff was White Hind. A bitter. This is what I flippantly refer to as an LBJ (little brown job - term originally coined by the naturalist Gerald Durrell to describe the otherwise nondescript animals that nobody could be arsed to conserve, despite their obvious importance to biodiversity).

So anyway, this is a nice brown booze, and a nice beer-smelling booze. I'd agree with "biscuity" - like a good oaty nobbler, in the style of Hobnobs but, you know, craft-Hobnobs.  Head: not applicable.

I am going to categorise this as a session beer. Now, don't correct me if I'm wrong, but I think a beer can be
categorised in this manner if it's ABV percentage is less than 4.1.
White Hind comes in at 4.5% ABV, but I feel rules were made to be broken. White Hind, I name thee session beer, and it's my blog, so nuh.
If you're imbibing for the duration, then you'll be safe enough with this I reckon. Quaff away! Mea gulpa!
It's an agreeable drop this, but not outstanding. "Mild" is the word that strolls into the mind, swinging it's cane nonchalantly.
The labels are very evocative for me, as a Quantock kiddie......Take me back to the AONB, mamma! And so forth.
Also included in the Quantock Brewery taster selection, but not reviewed as yet, were Will's Neck, and Sunraker. Some day I hope these ales will cross my path again, and my gait will not weave so much that I am incapable of rational reviewing.
Anyway, it was a great present, and any other taster selections will be gratefully received......

Score in ale-urons, out of a possible 10, on the Corinthian Brown Booze Scale:


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