Monty's Mojo. Catchy, ain't it? Also a throwing-down-the-gauntlet type of name - "We dare you to not enjoy this beer. This beer got it goin' ON" etc.
I encountered this challenge up The Old Harker's Arms ( in Chester.
On their helpful little blackboards they said this: "Popular session beer, golden amber in colour, with hints of toast and marmalade."
Here is what we, at On The Hop, thought:
Colour: Caramel, with a sheen like ganache.
Head: Decent enough - you wouldn't ask for your deposit back.
Fragrance: Earthy - like a freshly-dug grave. Sans corpse, obviously.
Can't disagree with the "session" epithet, as it's very high on the quaffability spectrum.
Quite mild, and smooth as it goes down, leaving you with an earthy (there's that word again!) tang.
Marmalade? No. Beer? Yes. Can't say fairer than that.
A touch on the innocuous side for my palate (such as it is), but you know, it's good.
Score in ale-urons, out of a possible 10, on the Corinthian Golden Ale Scale:
A quick plug for the Harkers - amazing food, lovely atmosphere, and great selection of beers on the bar. Get there early, because it does fill up. Visit the other great pubs and eateries in the Canal Quarter too. Iss awl good.
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