Friday, 20 April 2012

First up: Wye Valley Brewery's Butty Bach

What follows is my first foray into the tangled woods of beer blogging. The ale I am about to muse upon was a bottle-conditioned brew I enjoyed one summer's eve in 2011. On it's label it proudly boasted the thumbs-up from I am in my infancy of real ale connoisseurship, and remain sceptical as to whether this is necessarily the best indication of quality. Still, here goes nothing:

Butty Bach Premium Ale, from Wye Valley Brewery is correctly described on said label as "burnished gold" in colour. To this I add the epithet "cloudy", and venture that it appears quite cidery to the untrained eye. Upon pouring it displays a pleasing lively tendency and an unobtrusive head (!).

Now, a few notes on fragrance. I like the fresh, hoppy smell, though it is well delicate, and you have to give it a good lungful or two of inhalation (taking care not to drown - I shall not be legally liable for any such mishaps, best to warn your next of kin now) to get any scent at all.

And now to gulp: a refreshing tang, which gives the illusion of zingy carbonation is the first sensation I notice.
I very quickly realise when suddenly half the bottle is gone, that Butty Bach is a major quaffing ale. There is a sweet, lingering after-quaff, and a lightness of touch which belies the strength of the beer. More-ish, most assuredly.

I first encountered this ale in in the impossibly beautiful Wye Valley. Many convivial pints were quaffed here testifying to the ease with which this tasty brew can be downed.
This bottle was delivered from which is significantly less beautiful.

Some facts:
Malt - pale malt, flaked barley, wheat, crystal malt
Hops - Fuggles, Goldings, Bramling Cross
Yeast - Wye Valley Brewery's own strain (try not to dwell on the unfortunate implications of that for too long).
The label is unprepossessing, but a remarkably good read.

Score, in ale-urons, out of a possible 10, on the Corinthian Golden Ale Scale: